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today i tought i was home alone

today i tought i was home alone when i woke up and i, well jorked it, and by it, i mean, well, my peanits. when i was doing this my dad ralked into my room and wanted to ask me something, so i quickly covered up myself and he started to walk out slowly, i…

Here’s why I think KSI’s song is a masterpiece

Here’s why I think the song is a masterpiece – those lines—”From the screen to the ring, to the pen, to the king / Where’s my crown? That’s my bling”—they’re not just lyrics, they are the very essence of poetic mastery! In just two short lines, KSI encapsulates his entire journey from YouTube sensation, to…

my dad caught me (second time) and im scared as shit.

today i tought i was home alone when i woke up and i, well jorked it, and by it, i mean, well, my peanits. when i was doing this my dad ralked into my room and wanted to ask me something, so i quickly covered up myself and he started to walk out slowly, i…

There was a fetus found in the school bathroom

We don’t know if it was a middle schooler or high schooler since the schools are in the same building, but…I don’t even know. Some of the people who saw it said it looked like it was about 4 months. I don’t know why, but it makes me feel uncomfortable. I’m not against abortion, so…

TIFU by masturbating in an office bathroom prior to my job interview

As a confidence technique on job interviews I find out who will be interviewing me, I find a picture of them online, I print it, and I masturbate onto the picture. I know it sounds silly but it gives me a psychological boost of sorts. During the interview I keep thinking of what I did…

Apparently it is illegal to say this

It is extremely illegal to say, that the best place to assassinate the president would be the roof of the rockerfeller hewitt building because of minimal security and a direct line of sight to the president’s bedroom. Insanely Illegal