Vegetables are better than Fruits. Also every fruit is garbage.

Yeah to start with: Every fruit is trash. From apples to whatever exotic piece of garbage from some shitty village in Mongolia that only the most degenerate humans would try to classify as edible food.

What the fuck is Rambutan- No, why?

The most intelligent and civilized fruit enjoyer would consider lapping up the sweat from a League player’s untouched and uncut ball sack if I were to dab a used baby wipe on it. Because that’s what [this]( looks, feels, and tastes like.

Even the sweetest fruit like pineapple has to be the most revolting shit the universe has ever made.

The reason the Biblical God commanded Eve avoid fruit is because he knew the torment she’d bring upon herself.

The texture feels like I’ve transmigrated into a Jewish doctor post-circumcision surgery. Every fruit tastes like it tried (and congrats, because they didn’t fail) to accurately recreate the infected and unfiltered water supply from every collective slum in Cuba.


This is what scientists spend decades manufacturing?

Also, I have a food pollen allergy that inflames the back of my throat if I were even to be in the vicinity of apple skin.

So yeah, fuck apples- vegetables are tastier and much more varied in use.

**Carrots/Red Onions >>> Existence**

source: [](

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