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The internet's largest database of copypastas. 400,000+ copypastas archived.

A copypasta is a block of text written by users online, to be copy-pasted across the internet for a funny or "meme" effect. CopypastaDB archives these memes on a daily basis to preserve this key part of internet heritage.

Attention: All copypastas found in this database are satire and should not be taken seriously. If you find any particularly offensive copypasta, report it here.

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  1. VanessaπŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ’‹πŸ’‹πŸ’‹πŸ’‹πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜ on The entire fnaf lore

    skibidi rizz baby gronk ohio 3am in real life 😲😲😲😲😲

  2. wow so skibidi

  3. holy shit

New copypastas

I’m one of the only few real alpha that browse this junk website.

Real alpha here. I’m one of the only few real alpha that browse this junk website. I do it because I like to be in places where I’m better than everyone else. That’s how alphas operate. I can easily assert my will in pretty much any thread and complete dominate it. I win every argument…

I love the smell of dirty panties

I love the smell of dirty panties. Each zone of scent. Panties can smell a little different depending on what she eats, how long she wears the same pair, if she gets a little pee on them, at what point she is in her cycle, and so on. There are also zones of scent in…


I am sick and tired of people judging me over my past people looking down on me cause of the story’s they’ve heard and slagging me and constantly bringing up everything that’s happened or everything I’ve done! My past was a joke I did everything for attention cause I thought maybe then I’d fit in!…

For the children

Never mind the fact that at all of r/conspiracy threads are downvoted into oblivion as soon as they’re submitted, it must just be natural for assholes to find each other. Brigading ass babies. Your war on curiosity and truth proves you uncivil. Of all the knowledge available, you decided to quit while you thought you…