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To whom it may concern

This is a statement, to whom it may concern: I am actively researching investigating and pursuing criminal and civil legal action with the individual or individuals who have illegally recorded, edited, graphically distorted, uploaded, and disseminated my private phone and skype conversations to various sites, including youtube, without my permission, nor giving any declaration at…

No true atheist/ my no true Christian variation.

About three days ago an atheist attacked a pastor. Maybe it’s happened before but this time it seems to have gained small footing in the media. Sure it will probably die away. After all, this guy has a history of violence and unscrupulous behavior. How can this guy possibly represent atheists in any way? How…

[Dota2] SingSing and Sheever fanfic

“Sheever, ravage!” Singsing shouts, infuriated at yet another of Sheever’s antics. Sheever upon hearing this retreats to her room, tears streaming down her cheeks.Singsing doesn’t notice until hours later, after losing to pubs for the third time in a row and switching off his stream.He finds Sheever in a ball on her bed, tear marks…

So you think you know an orgasm.

Fuck you, you piece of shit. I bet I have had stronger orgasms than you can ever imagine. Just absolutely amazing cums, with tremendous bursts of pleasurable feeling. I am glad that delicious pleasure is reserved for those of us who have the balls to do what we want to do, with none for scared…

Did I add too much, or too little Cannabis to the Sauce?

Well it truly touches me that you felt the desire to marginalize it, with your feigned high road, passive aggressive ad hominem, despite the implication of not having read it. Got to earn your pay somehow, right hero. Oh and, nice to see that we’re playing the vanishing response game again. Maybe you can win…