amita for shoting up church?

ok so i went to perents house and then parents said they ARE NOT ATHEIST


i fucking killed them right there,ofc wife (who i have seks wit) said i should not kill them so i thought maybe i shoot a church because i consider religous people subhuman,i know it might sound dumb but i dont like religous people >:(

so i killed my wife and ofc i paid for my kids college tution but they said im the butt for wanting to shoot up a church??? WTF so i killed them also (they are also religous so subhuman) and i thought maybe if thay are dum enugh to be religous (subhuman) they are not my kids(iam really smart guy)???!!!?!

so i went to and checked my dna and it turns out my wife cheated on me with none other than….


so ofk (of kourse) i keanu comes in and revives my wife and kids and says that im not nice (keanu still atheist because keanu good) and i shoot up a church BUT THEN i wake up 4 hours later (i could tell because i am very smart) and detectives say ”stuff like this can not be tolorated” and i horrfied and realizing what just happend scream as loud as i can


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