Bruce Springsteen – “Mein Kampf”

I remember back in 1992, Bruce Springsteen came into the Barnes & Noble I used to work at and asked if we carried any copies of “Mein Kampf”. It turned out we only had one copy left in stock, so he purchased it. Nearly on his way out, there was this little boy who looked no older than 12 years old who began to cry. When Springsteen walked up to him and asked what was wrong the little boy replied that he had been saving up all the money he earned from his lemonade stand and was hoping to buy that copy of “Mein Kampf”. Springsteen smiled at the little boy, rustled his hair and handed the copy of “Mein Kampf” he’d just bought down to him. As the little boy grinned from cheek to cheek and wiped away the tears he exclaimed with joy “Thank you so so much Mr. Springsteen, this was the nicest thing anyone’s done for me ever! Heil Hitler, Mr. Springsteen!” Before exiting the revolving glass doors, Springsteen turned back, nodded at the little boy and said “Heil Hitler to you too, little buddy, Heil Hitler….” Then he was gone. It’s moments like that that really warm my heart and make me remember that there is such things as selflessness and unconditional kindness still left in this world.

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