THIS…YOU…are part of the problem. YOU are why Americans just let this happen.

I joke. But you are serious.

YOU think that MAGA is a political ideal. It is not. That’s obvious. Its a cult built around a scumbag wannabe dictator.

White supremacy is not a political ideal.
Supporting racists is not a political ideal.
Supporting what is going on in these detention facilites is not a politi9cal ideal.

NAZIS don’t have a valid political ideal.
When YOU choose to wear the same MAGA hat that swastika wearing Nazis have adopted, klansmen, proud bitch gang bangers and assorted pricks are wearing – YOU are one of them.
What kind of asshole would see Nazis wearing a MAGA hat, and decide that they should wear one also?

MAGA itself is a danger to our democracy. This has gone beyond “politics”. Its a cult built on incredible stupidity and mean intent. YOU allow it to happen. YOU encourage it.

You can ignore it all you want. You can be on the right side of it, or the wrong side of it and eat cat shit mixed into your Juevos Rancheros.

MAGA hats = swastika hats.
MAGA hats are targets.

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