Emojis isn’t cringe

Using these many emojis is definitely cringe and isn’t adding anything to the discussion. And we are having all rights to downvote u, we won’t mind if you use 1-2 emojis but u used fucking 3 emojis. And r/redditmoment is just a sub made by Trump supporters just because reddit is having a left majority.

And you are a normie from r/redditmoment cause no one here said you an instagram normie lol, these kind of terms and statements like “ReDdItOrS aRe SuPeRiOr”,”Oh No InStAgRaM nOrMiE” etc are ironically used by r/redditmoment users for making fun of redditors, but that in itself has become normie, as it just calls out these old traditions of reddit.

And now coming to the emoji cringe part,

Emojis are rendered differently on different devices, and few emojis don’t even render on some devices, for instance if you’ll post an emoji from Samsung’s default emojis list there are high chances that they won’t render on a Microsoft’s device.

Also the difference in platform where the emojis are being rendered could change the whole meaning or mood of a discussion. Just see how these emojis are rendered differently on different devices

I generally use my PC with Windows 10 OS while browsing the internet, just see how cringe some of these emojis look.

I know few redditors without any solid reason would downvote you for using emojis but these are few reasons according to me, that why use of emojis should be minimized.

further reading: https://brenthecht.com/publications/cscw2018\_emojiimpact.pdf





this YouTube video covers few more points:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6WV9RmrHDKQ

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