ILPT Request: If I intentionally hit another driver who has run a red light, who is at fault?

I am waiting at a four way stop, with my light red, with traffic going across in front of me.

My light turns green, and another car is clearly going too fast to break for what must be their own red light.

If I gun the engine–probably 20-30 mph?–and there is an accident, who is at fault?

Since they were breaking the law by running a red light, does it matter if I hit them? Obviously, it would be preferable if they hit me, but the reaction time to see a green light, hit the gas, and make it to the center of the intersection in one second or less is pretty hard.

Yes, I realize there is no guarantee that the other driver has insurance, someone could be injured–possibly me, and other unintended consequences.

I have tried to do this previously, but my instinct, thus far, to not crash into another car is too damned strong to overpower, and gunning the engine repeatedly is not good for any car. I drive a 2006 Odyssey.


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