Realistic psychic mechanics:

Realistic psychic mechanics:

 Humans are all psychic, well more like “psychic”. Let me explain. Psychic powers, the ability to read minds, is said to work through a few number of mediums. The most popular mediums can be titled as Waves, and Radio. Psychic powers based on waves state that our thoughts ripple out into existence, and those who are psychic can pick up on these waves to hear our thoughts. Alternatively waves don’t permiate the skull, but psychics can shoot a “sonar” wave into the heads of their target, and the “ping” the psychic hears are their thoughts. As for the radio medium, it is just as simple as the psychic hearing the thoughts of someone else in their own head with no waves propagating. Now this cant work in real life, since telekinetic waves aren’t real, and magically hearing thoughts in your inner-monologue isn’t even close to being possible.

 However, what if being psychic is actually tied to the medium of body language. This isn’t normal body language, but deep bodily language. Deep bodily language is all of the micro-movements our muscles make, whether or not our eyes are dialated, the slight shifts in facial skin tone due to bloodflow, and so on. Deep bodily language exposes the exact way we feel at a given moment no matter what. Even if you have an infinite poker face, or are the best thesbian on the silver screen, your Deep bodily language actually exposes the truth of how you are feeling.

 Therefore we can say, those who can interpret Deep bodily language are psychic. However, a shrewd reader would be quick to point out, “Hey!” they point, “If someone could read this shit so well, why don’t they exist?” Well shrewd reader, my darling, it is simple. No one can read Deep bodily language perfectly, but we all slightly can. So we are just a tad bit psychic right now, the strongest ones being empaths. As with all of our traits that are the results of evolution, so is the psychic ability. Since we are constantly evolving, so are our psychic powers.

 One day, our psychic powers will be so advanced, we would ACTUALLY be psychic, where we can absolutely understand what another person is thinking and feeling with 100% accuracy. This would be overwhelmingly powerful in terms of advancing society rapidly as the human race would have to rapidly mature and adjust to the absolute insanity that goes on in our heads. We would realize that we aren’t as smart, original, creative, or important as we think we are. It would be a mass humbling that would get us to stop slapping our dicks in the wind and actually do something about climate change or all the government corruption in the world.

 So one day, all of our problems will be solved by becoming psychic. This is enevitable as we are constantly evolving to be at the pinnacle of our existence, it is only an unknown amount of time away, and totally worth waiting for.

 If we could travel in time to the psychic era. Modern humans would call the psychic ones “boring”, “dead inside”, or “losers”. They would say stuff like, “If I was psychic I’d be a super hero and save the day”, or “I would trick people into giving me money”. However psychic humans aren’t boring they are ENLIGHTENED and have no need for glory or money, just a need to secure a safe existence for their neighbors, their friends, their family, and their offspring.

 One day we will evolve past recognition, separated from the new humanity.

 They will be psychic, we never will be.

 But they will know peace, when all we know is strife.

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