The pigeon apocalypse journal by Jerald

**Written by Jerald**
**DAY** **~~1~~** **1:** I write this as I’m locked up in my house, it is 21:44 here. It’s not the FIRST day of this apocaylpse, but the first day of me writing this. Wide spread panic began as the goverment made an emergency alert, where it informed people of not to be near pigeons. I first thought it was an epidemic, but then they said to cover up your genitals. Why the fuck? I have no idea. I need to ration my supplies. I’m currently getting as much water as possible from the tap. I wanna see what’s outside, but I locked up my windows, as the alert said. Internet is going wild, sites aren’t functioning well. People are reporting getting attacked and raped by pigeons. This is either blatant misinformation, or the birds got infected with some kind of bullshit virus that leaked from a lab who’s owner was trying to subsitute for his lack of women.

**DAY 2:** Holy shit, the pigeons were beating my door right now. I could hear them cooing and moaning. These fuckers… I don’t have any firearms aside from an M1911 my dad used to own. Hopefully it’ll be useful. The time is 15:37, forgot to include. Good luck to others. Food and water are well enough. Internet is going crazier than ever. Posts getting locked and locked. Games are dying. Can humans NOT panic during an apocalypse?

**DAY 3:** Evacuations are happening, but I’m too scared. The closest bunker, which is #90, is about 2 kilometers away. I don’t own a car, I sold one while moving here. Time is 12:24. I keep forgetting. I have bad memory. Internet died today. I have no connection to the outside world aside from television. It’s all blatant shit. “cover your genitals”, “close all entrances”, bla bla bla. The most interesting thing was that 2.3 million people died already. There’s also some rumours of a group that has an abbrevation which is “PL”. Wonder if I find anything about this.

**DAY 4:** This shit is real. Time is 16:47, didn’t forget this. A pigeon just busted from the floor. I quickly managed to hit it then quickly stab it. I have no idea where to put it. It’s gonna stink soon. Also, forgot to say how much food and water I had in day 3, but right now I’m pretty good. Television is boring stuff again. Nothing new. Military was sent in, and this makes me think. How can humanity lose to a bird which is (if I didn’t fail my math classes) 134.975% smaller than us?

**DAY 5:** The noise isn’t letting me sleep. 04:36. These pieces of shit KEEP FUCKING MOANING. I swear. I should’ve looked for an apartment which has more noise reduction. I’m getting sleep pills. Fuck it.

I woke up just now with a pigeon trying to bite through my pants. I struggled to get it to move away, but I managed to get it off and quickly beat it up. Why the fuck are they attacking our genitals? Do they have some kind of virus that spreads through the utertha? (if i wrote that wrong i dont care im sleeping)

14:52. I wanna sleep so bad. Running on coffee right now. Television is dead. These fuckers definitely broke my antenna. No connection to the outside world. Maybe time for some book reading? Food and water is good enough.

**DAY 6:** Spent most of my time reading. Some time when I was a teenager I bought 2 books about survival when I was obsessed with apocalypses. Too bad young me had the motivation of a toast wanting to right itself while falling. (anyone saw the [buttered cat paradox?]( was funny to me) There’s some interesting shit in here. Food and water is actually much better than I thought. Found some conserved food I bought once while drunk. Now I realize I got too many foods that will expire in about 30 days. Most of them are tasty, so I’ll have a good time in the next 30 days.

**DAY 7:** Nothing happ

**DAY 8:** 30 pigeons. 30 pigeons broke through the door. That was the most fucking horrifying thing that I’ve seen since I was born. How did I deal with it? The obvious way. Go fully instinct mode and waste resources on a threat I could stop with less. Pretty much threw a lot of shit at them to hope they would fall. Most did and the other I had to stab while they were going for my penis. My gun is almost out of ammo. Can’t go to a gun store to just buy more ammu and there goes my last 3 bullets as 2 pigeons flew in while I was writing. Day 7 flashbacks? ~~Ye~~ Nah… I have no idea where it’s coming from. 17:29 and food/water is fine.

**DAY 9:** You know what? I’m done with containing myself from something I consider a “threat”. I just had the best sex ever. This pigeon got in, and quickly teared through my pants. I woke up immediately as soon as it sat on my cock. That was the best feeling ever. I immediately picked that pigeon up and started fucking it raw. The bitch started cooing and moaning harder than ever. My hand was going like crazy, in out in out in out in out and on and on. His tight ass was so small, I thought my cock was ripping him alive. When I came, I bursted out the biggest load I had. It gone all over my bed. The pigeon was so exhausted from what I did that it didn’t even bother to move his wings. He was so exhausted from the raw fucking that he didn’t even bother trying to move. He was alive, though, he was breathing, and breathing hard. You know something about that “PL” thing? It stands for “Pigeon Lovers”. I’m gonna get in touch with whoever can get me inside. See you later.

 I found him. I am now a member. Expect more soon.

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