You stink you poopie boy

I’m experiencing this and have been with my best friend. πŸ™ She has BPD and it makes it even harder. My pregnancy and child have brought up a ton of horrible do we have a poop uhoh poop poop poop poop poop poop poop We have a poop we have a poop we have a poop poop poop poop poop poop poop is that a poop is that a poop I think we have a poop we have a poop we have a poop poop poop poop poop poop poop is that a poop is that a poop oh my it is a poop I love you my poopy boy I love you my poopy boy Mama change your poop you mamas poopy boy I love you my poopie boy oh my little buddy mama is almost done mamas almost done oh there we go there we go good job good job we did a good job poopy boy you stink you stink poopie boy can mama put your pants on hey can I put your pants on mama put your pants on ok I love you buddy I love you that’s my buddy oh there we go no more poops no more poops now we got a wash our hands OK Can you sit here while mama wash her hands just for one second while mama washes their hands OK here take this take this put that in your mouth good boy just one second

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