Zack Snyder’s movies are the best

Since there are still assholes out there who don’t like Zach Snyder’s filmography, I’m gonna describe all his films that are considered “bad” by some. First: 300. Look idiots, 300 is the best movie of that year. I fucking love it so much. The action is so good, the acting is so good, and the world building is so good. It’s just a really good movie and the fact that some dipshit “critics” can’t see it for the masterpiece that it is. Second: Man of Steel. Okay fucktards, Man of Steel is such a fucking good movie, maybe you just didn’t understand it. Because if you did understand it then you wouldn’t be here criticizing Zach Snyder. There are just so many good things about this film (look I know good filmmaking I have an online movie review channel). Some people are criticizing the “dark” esthetic. Look dumbass, the movie is going for a dark fee. ITS ART. You see in filmmaking, there’s this thing called presentation where you should make the film look like the tone you’re going for. So when Snyder is going for a dark tone and he makes the film look dark, it’s on purpose because he is going for a darker feel and I think that’s very brave. It just really Grinds my Cyborg (2019) gears so much to hear that people don’t understand this, and yet are claiming to be critics. Third: Batman v Superman. Okay so this film had a lot to live up to as it is the sequel to the masterpiece “Man of Steel” (2013) (Dir. Zach Snyder) so I can understand somewhat if people were a little let down by it, but the movie is still fucking amazing. The film was orgasmic, I loved it so much. It is an objectively good movie Ben Affleck is the best Batman yet, I didn’t like him at first, but when I saw that first teaser trailer, I immediately fell in love with him. I bought all his action figures and t shirts. Henry Cavill is also super good in this movie. His performance is very held back and subtle yet he knows how to be good when he has to. Lex Luther was so funny and Jesse Eissenberg played him excellently, that jolly rancher scene had me lol 😂😂😂. I just really hate it when people say it’s a bad movie. Like there is a real emotional element to the film, that Martha scene was heart wrenching. I think people just didn’t understand it, but that’s okay, we can’t all be geniuses 😏😏😏. Gal Gadot was really hot in it, I have a poster of her as Wonder Woman in my bathroom. Fourth: Justice League. Okay okay fuck you. This is the best movie of this year. I love Justice League so fucking much. The film is so consistent in its quality on how good it is. While it’s not as good as Man of Steel (2013) Dir. Zach Snyder or Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016) Dir. Zach Snyder it is still a very excellent film. Once again Batman is so good, I love how they made a consistently serious character into a comic relief. That was such a genius move. Superman was good and funk you the CGI was good you see he had a mustache because of another movie and he couldn’t shave it for reshoots so you have to give them props for making it look so good. Gal Gadot was really hot. Aquaman was really funny, there were many points during the film where I was wowed by Jason Mamoa’s performance. Cyborg was great, I thought it was very brave to put a black superhero in the bunch, especially in this era of Trump. And finally the funniest part of the movie: The Flash. HOLY SHIT THE FLASH WAS SO FUNNY!!!! I loved Barry Allen in this he was so funny. Also the CGI was very good and him and in the entire movie. I was VERY impressed with the CGI in the film. So I find it so stupid when I see critics saying that this is a bad movie. So there are my explanations of why Zach Snyder is the best director in Hollywood and why anyone who doesn’t like his films are actual retards.

Also, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Zach Snyder films. The symbolism is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of its complex characterization of conflicted heroes, deep symbolism, and faithfulness to the comics, most references will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Snyder’s unique dark and gritty outlook, which is deftly woven into the characterization of his characters- such as Batman’s personal philosophy, which draws heavily from the philosophical concept few know of called nihilism, based on the death of his parents, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of his greatness, to realize that Snyder’s action scenes are more than just blood and gore- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Snyder truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the depth of Batman’s statement to Clark Kent “Do You Bleed” which itself is a cryptic reference to Julius Caesar’s assassination, in which he was stabbed 42 times by the senate. Batman is the senate. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Snyders’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them. 😂

And yes, by the way, i DO have a “Release The Snyder Cut” tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid

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