It’s a dark rainy day on Coruscant. Millions of grav-cars zoom across the metropolis planet lighting up the sky. Anakin has just left the Jedi temple. What was he doing there? Committing his first heinous act that defied the teachings of the Jedi. He killed all the Jedi, the younglings too. He rides his grav-car to the the epicenter of the city, the dome shaped building comes into view, the house of the Galactic Senate. He must report back to his master. Anakin hesitantly lands on the platform, and steps out.

“What have I done?” He whimpers to himself, struggling with the forces of the darkside pervading his thoughts. His shoulder length dirty blonde hair soaking in the rain, as he hangs his head in shame. He walks slowly to the entrance, then to the lift. Until finally he stands before the Emporer Palpatine himself, clad in his elegant red robes, his hood hiding his deformed wrinkled ridden face, and amber glowing sinister eyes. “Has the deed been done… my apprentice?” Palpatine asks, in a sinister voice that echoes the spacious office. “Yes.. my master..” says Anakin as he looks up to him. The dark circles around anakins once young eyes show the evident emotional turmoil swirling inside him, because of the crime he just committed.

“Will..will.. Padme be safe now?” He looks up pleadingly. A crooked smile twists the Emporers already deformed face even more. As he walks closer to anakin away from his desk..he rests his wrinkled pale hands on Anakins wet cheeks.. “Yes.. Parmesan will be just fine”.. he continues on.. “but forget her for now, because we must discover the secret of the darkside.. together.” He pushes his wrinkled index finger into Anakins mouth.. “Yes.. yes.. that’s GOOD!”. Anakin impulsively coughs as the emperors inhumanly long fingers prod the back of his throat.

To be continued.

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